The amount of time a student must pay will vary depending on how far in advance they register before the start date of the class. Students have up to 7 days to pay their balance to avoid being dropped for non-payment. For example, if you register for a class on 9/5 that starts on 9/20 and are notified of non-payment, your grace period will be 7 days. Once the class has started, students will have 1 day to pay for their classes.
Enrollment Type
Enroll Prior to start of class
Enroll on or after start of class
Regular Enrollment
Up to 7 Days*
1 Day
Reinstatement (dropped but reinstated by instructor)
7 Days
7 Days
Registered via the Waitlist
7 Days
7 Days
*The duration of the grace period depends on the start date of the class. A student that registers 3 days before the class starts will only have 3 days to pay.