Clubs and Student Organizations

Get involved at Oxnard College 

Oxnard College is proud to support our student-led clubs. In service to the general student body, the club representatives may be reached for more information or meeting schedules. If you do not find the club you want to be part of, you can stop by the Student Activities Officer to learn more about starting your own club!


Join A Club

Students are encouraged to contact a club president or advisor to learn about the club's upcoming meetings and activities for the semester. New clubs form throughout the year, so check back for new opportunities.

Inter-Organizational Council (IOC)

The IOC is an affiliate organization of the Associated Student Government (ASG) that coordinates, supports, unifies, and represents student Clubs on campus. Its primary purpose is to provide the various clubs with a responsible and effective body that facilitates communication between them and ASG. 

Who Serves on IOC

All active Oxnard College student clubs and organizations participate in IOC, and each student organization has a voting representative who participates on behalf of the club. The Associated Student Government expects each student club to send at least one representative to each meeting. The Director of Clubs and Organizations of ASG chairs the IOC meetings.

Spring 2025 IOC meetings are scheduled for the following Fridays from 2:00-4:00 pm in Condor Hall CH-312 room. 

Spring 2025 IOC Meeting Schedule:

  • February 14- No Meeting- holiday
  •  March 7
  • March 21
  • April 4
  • April 25

For more information, reach out to