What is CalWORKs?
The CalWORKs, or "California Work Opportunities & Responsibility to Kids", Program is a state-mandated program that provides educational and training assistance to student-parents who are receiving TANF Benefits. The Program aids students in achieving long-term success through the attainment of higher education, which, in turn, promotes self-sufficiency and personal growth. At Oxnard College, the objective of the CalWORKs Program is to equip the CalWORKs student with special supportive services including academic counseling, childcare, Work-Study, and insuring compliance with the Human Services Agency's Welfare-to-Work Program regulations.
Oxnard College CalWORKs Mission Statement
The focus of the Oxnard College CalWORKs Program is to empower student-parents within a supportive community united in bridging the gap from adversity to self-sufficiency through higher education and personal success.
Office Hours
*In-Person and Virtual Appointments*
**Hours Subject to Change. Please Contact Office for Further Information**
Monday |
8:30 am | 5:00 pm |
Tuesday |
8:30 am | 5:00 pm |
Wednesday |
10:00 am | 6:00 pm |
Thursday |
8:30 am | 5:00 pm |
Friday* |
8:30 am | 12:00 pm |
*Closed on EASEL Workshop Fridays: |
Contact Us
Ventura County Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation.
El Distrito de Colegios Comunitarios del Condado de Ventura no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, edad u orientación sexual.