OEI Releases OER-Enabled Canvas Course Shells

The California Community Colleges (CCC) Online Education Initiative (OEI) is proud to announce the creation of 30 sample course shells with Open Educational Resources (OER) embedded directly into the OER-enabled Canvas course shells. Designed by the OEI’s instructional designers, the course shells feature:

  • OER from OpenStax embedded directly into Canvas Modules
  • Innovative resources that can help faculty as they prepare to teach online
  • Instructions for faculty on making their courses welcoming to students, creating captioned videos, and providing links to campus student services.
  • Instructions for students on how to navigate Canvas and how to be successful in the course.
  • Accessible content (WCAG 2.0 AA compliant) so you can make sure all students will succeed in your course.  
  • Correct licensing attributions so you don't have to worry about copyright!


What subjects are available?

  • Science: Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy/Physiology, Physics
  • Economics: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
  • Math: (Pre) Calculus, (Pre) Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics
  • Humanities: American Government, U.S. History, Psychology, Sociology


How can you find them?

  • Go to Canvas Commons and search: CCC, OEI, OpenStax, OER
  • If you like what you see, ask your local instructional technologist to create you an empty Canvas shell for you to import the content into. 

Resource List





XanEdu  at our bookstore! Learn more in their webinar


California Open Online Library for Education (Cool4Ed)

OER Commons

Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)

Learning Object Repository

The Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)

Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)

Creative Commons

PBS Learning Media

Improving Student Success with the California Zero Textbook Cost Degree Initiative (video presentation)

Learning to Teach with Open Educational Resources

Introduction to Open Educational Resources online course

Legislative Analyst's Office Report: Assessing the Governor's Zero Textbook Cost Proposal