Appointments - Oxnard College Dental Hygiene Clinic

Appointment Information:

  • This is an educational facility so appointments may take 2-3 hours and patients may be required to return for multiple appointments to complete treatment.
  • You will be required to arrive on time and stay for the entire length of your appointment.
  • At least 24 hours notice is expected for rescheduling or cancelling your appointment.
  • Radiographs are required prior to treatment. Patients may bring a copy of recent dental x-rays. The dental clinic faculty will determine if additional x-rays are needed.
  • Bring a list of all medications. Certain medical conditions will require physician consultation prior to treatment.
  • If we do not have any available appointments during the semester, you may ask to be placed on a waiting list.

Make an Appointment:

Please call the dental clinic at 805-678-5823 to schedule an appointment. 

VCCCD Students, Faculty and Staff are free for the first cleaning with a current College/District ID Card.