The Budget Committee supports and advances the college mission, vision, and values by ensuring that college-wide planning and strategic priorities drive the budget allocation process and by encouraging transparency and constituency understanding of the budget. The Budget Committee also serves as a forum for discussion of budget changes and information. The Budget Committee makes recommendations to the College Planning Council.
Members are selected or appointed on an annual basis prior to the conclusion of the spring semester for the subsequent academic year.
- Vice President of Business Services: VACANT
- Academic Senate President or designee: Dolores Ortiz
- Four Instructional Academic Senate representatives
- Ishita Edwards
- Jonas Crawford
- Jacquelyne Ta
- Elissa Caruth
- Two Non-Instructional Academic Senate representatives
- Cesar Flores
- Leo Orange
- Three Classified Senate representatives
- Linda Fa'asua
- Norma Martinez
- Sheila Lu
- Two Associated Student Government representatives
- Ariana Villalobos-Castillo
- Natalia Jimenez
- Two Management representatives
- Amanda Burwick
- Gabriela Rodriguez
- One AFT representative: Anna Toy-Palmer
Berenice Rodriguez
Members have the following responsibilities:
- Review state and district fiscal activities and discuss as applicable to the college budget.
- Learn the context of college revenue and expenditure budget development.
- Provide ongoing education for the college community on budget development and implementation.
- Disseminate information to faculty, classified, student, and administrative constituencies regarding college financial resources and expenditures, and bring feedback through committee representatives.
- Identify funding sources for off-cycle college projects and unfunded non-personnel requests.
The Budget Committee meets at 2:30PM every 4th Tuesday of the month.