Behavioral Intervention & CARE (Campus Access, Retention & Equity) Team at Oxnard College

The Oxnard College BIT/CARE or BICT, is a multidisciplinary group consisting of faculty, staff, and administrators that evaluate and assess distressing or concerning behaviors exhibited by students. The BICT coordinates and develops a centralized response to provide assistance and intervention for students of concern and evaluates and monitors the ongoing related issue(s).

bict concern level

When Should I Submit the BIT/CARE Form?



Physical health concerns: Covid-19 or other illness impacting education YES
Mental health Concerns: Is the student behaving in a manner that is concerning? (Having problems at home, classes or at work; expressing feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, and/or frustration; disclosing personal trauma or unexpected adjustment in their life; or substance abuse.) YES
Basic Needs Concerns: Housing, food and/or employment insecurity that may impact their education YES
Emotional/physical/mental/sexual abuse: Are you concerned that a student may be a victim of emotional, physical, mental or sexual abuse and/or domestic violence? YES
Disciplinary concerns: All disciplinary concerns including academic dishonesty YES
When in doubt: Not sure if you should submit a bit? Submit a bit! YES

BIT/CARE Forms are for any and all student-related concerns. BIT/CARE forms can be used for MORE than disciplinary issues/violations. The forms are ALSO for concerns over a student's well-being. We are working to update the form to include a "Student Well-Being" option. In the meantime, please submit forms for student well-being concerns by selecting "Concerning Behavior" in the drop-down menu under the "Nature of this Report" section. Under the "Concern" section select "Student Concern" and leave the "Conduct Violation" section blank. Please provide as much information under the description section and our multidisciplinary BIT/CARE team will act quickly to determine how to best help the student.