Please let OC STEM know when you throw your hat in the ring: Click this link.

To fill out an application to become an OC ESTEEM Scholar click this link.

OC ESTEEM is a scholarship and support program for academically-talented, low-income students majoring or intending to major in Engineering.

  • Must be registered as full-time students in a STEM discipline
  • Must be US citizens or permanent residents
  • Must have a cumulative college GPA of at least 3.0 and in good academic standing
  • Must complete a FAFSA and have significant financial need
  • Must be interested in pursuing engineering
  • Must intend to transfer to a 4-year university to complete a BS
  • Must list Oxnard College as the primary institution
  • Must be enrolled in college level math/science courses (100 level)
  • Must complete a comprehensive education plan with an articulated engineering path
  • If awarded, must commit to participate in cohort activities and project evaluation—respond to surveys, permit academic information (GPA, series of classes taken etc…) to be shared
OC ESTEEM Scholars

For further details, please e-mail OC STEM staff: 


Oxnard College student can be referred to the OC meal program (in lieu of meal vouchers at café during this virtual time).

OC Food Pantry

If you or someone you know can benefit from the OC Food Panty, please complete this form: Food Pantry referral form


Be a part of OC Teacher Pathway. Further details on the below campaign.

Teacher Pathway Campaign

Join us by signing up here. For questions, please contact Amparo Medina:


Cal Berkeley Community College Mentorship Program (CCMP), was created by a student at Cal Berkeley with the intent to help increase the number of underrepresented students at 4-year universities. Community college students who apply are connected to Cal students who serve as mentors. These mentors will hold weekly meetings to help with any questions about transferring (how to apply, how to pay for college, how to write a personal statement, etc). This program is intended for students interested in attending any 4-year - not just Berkeley - regardless of major.

The application deadline is Friday, October 16th.

CC Mentorship Program

For questions, please contact:


Oxnard College has 4 STEM Clubs available for you to join. Please see the description below for each one of them.

Join a STEM Club

For more STEM Clubs details please visit:


NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) is an agencywide STEM engagement activity for community college students to engage in authentic learning experiences with NASA’s diverse people, content and facilities. Funded by the Minority Undergraduate Research and Education Project’s (MUREP) competitive awards, NASA provides financial assistance to minority serving institutions. These institutions recruit and retain underrepresented and underserved students, including women, girls, veterans and persons with disabilities, into STEM fields.

During the program, students compete to become a NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar by completing STEM-based activities online to become eligible to visit a NASA Center for a four-day, expenses paid, onsite experience.

The genesis of Microalgae came from an alumni of the NCAS activity who simply proposed a good research idea and is now an International Space Station (ISS) Payload Developer.

NAVFAC will be contributing content to the Department of Defense booth at SciFest All Access where attendees of all ages will access 100+ virtual exhibits featuring interactive STEM content, view inspiring performances on the STEM Stage, earn badges and prizes in an online scavenger hunt, and shop in the STEM Store.

NCAS Application Campaign
NCAS Info Session

If you have any questions, please reach out to NCAS at

Info Session Link:


NAVFAC will be contributing content to the Department of Defense booth at SciFest All Access where attendees of all ages will access 100+ virtual exhibits featuring interactive STEM content, view inspiring performances on the STEM Stage, earn badges and prizes in an online scavenger hunt, and shop in the STEM Store.

Register today at the following URL:

Virtual STEM Expo