NASA L’SPACE Student Opportunity Announcement for Undergraduate Science and Engineering Majors

Application Due:  (Apply now, class size is limited)


L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy meets weekly on Tuesdays from September 1 to December 1, 2020 at 4:30 PM

NASA Proposal Writing and Evaluation Experience Academy meets weekly on Thursdays from September 3 to November 19, 2020

Where: Online
Cost: Free! You invest your time, passion, and dedication to participate!
What: Are you an undergraduate science and engineering student interested in pursuing a career with NASA? Would you like to gain skills, knowledge, and competency in NASA mission protocols, procedures, and practices through working on a mission concept?

NASA’s Lucy Mission to Jupiter’s Trojan Asteroids is currently accepting applications for its new student collaboration program – the Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L’SPACE) Virtual Academy. This interactive, team-based, 12-week program is designed to engage a diverse population of undergraduate college/university science and engineering students in rigorous, project-based STEM workforce development.
• Learn from engineers and scientists working on NASA mission;
• Participate and apply what you learn in mission-related design challenges;
• Strengthen your resume for internship and career opportunities;
• Receive mission development skills training;
• Acquire strategies to help you effectively market your capabilities to NASA and other space-related companies and organizations; and
• Gain helpful insights into the developing space economy workforce demands and opportunities.

Please read the participation requirements to make sure you can attend all meetings and participate on the required project.
Questions? Please contact the L’SPACE Program Office at

National Weather Service NCEP 2019 Summer Student Internship Program
Audience: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Who Are U.S. Citizens

The National Weather Service’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction is offering up to 10 paid internships targeted towards current second- and third-year undergraduate and enrolled graduate students. Internship work will relate to areas that will meet the future needs of the ever-broadening weather-climate-water user community. Students majoring in mathematics, physics, meteorology, atmospheric and climate science, computer science, engineering and social science are welcome to apply.


NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) is an agencywide STEM engagement activity for community college students to engage in authentic learning experiences with NASA’s diverse people, content and facilities. Funded by the Minority Undergraduate Research and Education Project’s (MUREP) competitive awards, NASA provides financial assistance to minority serving institutions. These institutions recruit and retain underrepresented and underserved students, including women, girls, veterans and persons with disabilities, into STEM fields.

During the program, students compete to become a NASA Community College Aerospace Scholar by completing STEM-based activities online to become eligible to visit a NASA Center for a four-day, expenses paid, onsite experience.

The genesis of Microalgae came from an alumni of the NCAS activity who simply proposed a good research idea and is now an International Space Station (ISS) Payload Developer.

NASA Advertisement for NCAS Internship
NCAS Info Session

If you have any questions, please reach out to NCAS at

Info Session Link: