C6 LSAMP STEMinar Series
My STEM Journey - Wednesday, November 20th 5pm-6pm on Zoom: Jaime Lopez, Jr, Production Lead, Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division, Oxnard College STEM Graduate. Come learn about Jaime’s STEM educational and career journey from Oxnard College to the Naval Surface Warfare Center at Port Hueneme.
Register here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
RERP Grant Info Session
USC Keck School of Medicine Field Trip
Application Deadline: December 13
UC PIQ Assistance
Future Leaders in Advanced Materials at UCSB
U.S. Department of Energy Internship
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program is a 10-week summer internship for undergraduate and master’s students in STEM majors. As an MLEF participant you will:
- Complete a hands-on research project at one of DOE's National Laboratories or DOE Headquarters.
- Learn from our scientists and engineers how we are working to minimize the environmental and climate impacts of fossil fuels and industrial processes while working to achieve net-zero emissions.
- Receive a weekly stipend. Travel and housing assistance is also available.
The MLEF Program may place students at one of several U.S. Department of Energy sites including but not limited to:
- U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters
- National Energy Technology Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Application deadline is January 21, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. EST! Apply here.
2025 Environmental Management STARS
Department of Energy - Office of Environmental Management
Kaiser Permanente Apothecary Circle Pharmacy Program
The Kaiser Permanente (KP) Apothecary Circle Pre-Pharmacy Program was created to enhance the knowledge of the profession of pharmacy for underrepresented pre-pharmacy students.
The mission of the Kaiser Permanente Apothecary Circle Program (ACP) is to assist pre-pharmacy students who are under-represented among pharmacists in the United States. This includes LatinX, African American and Native American. Our goal is to help our students become the best pharmacy school candidates possible. Candidates chosen are college juniors, seniors or graduate students completing pharmacy school prerequisites.
Once accepted, a student will be hired for one summer and paid to work up to 40 hours a week for 8 weeks each summer at one of our Southern California medical centers. Students will be exposed to all aspects of pharmacy: outpatient, hospital, clinical/ ambulatory care and management.
Throughout the summer, students will tour schools of pharmacy, meet key school faculty and experience presentations by pharmacists on clinical roles and professionalism, as well as interview, resume, and presentation skills.
The criteria to apply for the KP Apothecary Circle internship:
- Completion of the second year of college (acceptance to a 4 year college or university if currently attending a community college)
- A minimum 3.0 GPA
- Completion of the application form
- A scanned copy of unofficial transcripts for all college work so far.
- A two-page essay describing his/her decision to become a pharmacist, leadership skills, and what makes the individual the best candidate for an ACP position.
- Three references
Interested students should contact Arthur Dominguez, PharmD at by February 1, 2025.
Berkeley Engineering Transfer-to-Excellence
The Transfer-to-Excellence (TTE) Summer Research Program is a competitive summer internship for California community college students. This is a residential program consisting of seven-weeks of hands-on research experience in the laboratories of UC Berkeley engineering professors. TTE interns also participate in enrichment activities to enhance their preparation and confidence to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a career that applies their technical education. This program is jointly funded by the Hopper Dean Foundation and the College of Engineering.
The TTE Summer Research Program provides research experience for undergraduates in different disciplines within the College of Engineering. For more details on possible projects, view the potential faculty hosts and past intern projects.
Program benefits:
- 7 weeks of hands-on research guided by faculty sponsors and graduate student mentors
- Advising and support for transfer to a 4-year institution
- Seminars on preparing for a careers in science and engineering
- Guest speakers, lab tours, and field trips
- $4,000 stipend plus room and board
- Travel allowance up to $350
- Participation in UC Berkeley’s Transfer Alliance Project (TAP)
Online Information Sessions
Learn more about the Transfer-to-Excellence (TTE) program and step-by-step on how to submit a complete and competitive application. Program Manager, Heidi Maqueos will be available to answer questions. Please register to attend the session.
- Thursday, Dec 5 | 5–6 p.m. | Registration required
Robert Louis Katz and Manne Research Institute Summer Scholars Program
The Robert Louis Katz and Manne Research Institute Summer Scholars Program engages undergraduates in research pertaining to pediatric health and disease. The program’s mission is to nurture early exposure to top-tier scientific inquiry and amplify interest in scientific careers, with a primary focus on advancing children's health and welfare.
Summer scholars spend eight weeks working daily with their faculty mentor and research team to learn about conducting scientific research and gain hands-on research experience. They also participate in a weekly seminar led by various participating faculty members and research education who share insights on how to prepare scientific poster presentations and provide guidance about career development.
The 8-week program is a paid opportunity. The 2024 program begins June 17 and ends August 9.
Applications due on January 24th, 2025.
Nautilus Science and Engineering Internship Program (SEIP)
The Nautilus Science and Engineering Internship Program (SEIP) aims to train and provide real-world experience for community college, undergraduate, and graduate students studying ocean sciences, technology, engineering, and video in the at-sea environment. Intern positions entail 3-5 week periods working aboard E/V Nautilus as Data Loggers, Seafloor Mappers, Navigators, ROV Pilots, or Video Engineers. All interns spend their time on Nautilus working with a wide array of scientists, engineers, students, and educators.
Review the Application Packet for more information on how to apply. Deadline: January 3, 2024
OET offers five types of paid internships through SEIP: Ocean Science, Seafloor Mapping & Hydrography, Video Systems Engineering, Navigation, and ROV Engineering.
All interns gain experience in communications and leadership, including participation in educational outreach activities like broadcasts on and live ship-to-shore connections with classrooms. All internships include a paid stipend for participation along with travel to/from the expedition funded and arranged by OET.
NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)
Secure your spot! Join NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) Mission 1: Discover, the first step in your NASA story. NCAS is accepting applications now through November 25, 2024. Learn more at the NCAS website or by joining an information session below.
- Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 2:00pm
Link to join information session above. You can also click on this link to join office hours each Wednesday at 2pm until November 20.
Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
at Berkeley, Yale, Cornell, Georgia Tech, or Boston College
- Benefits: $6,000 stipend, housing, meals, and travel
- Attend an information session in November by registering at
Summer 2025
Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Laboratory Internship
NAWCWD Internships
$10,000 award
Deadline: December 1, 2024
P.E.O. California State Scholarships
About 50 scholarships are available for women! Contact Marcia Risher at with any questions.
- Have permanent California residency status
- Female
- Have graduated from high school (or the equivalent) and be enrolled in a post-secondary school in the U.S. at the time of scholarship funding
To apply, visit by January 15, 2025
OC Foundation Scholarships
Scholarships available for incoming, returning, and transfer students! Apply at
Transfer Students - for students currently attending Oxnard College who will be transferring to a 4-year University, with a transfer timeline of either Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 = deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025 @ 11:59pm
Continuing/Returning Students - for students currently attending Oxnard College who will continue their studies in 2025-26 at
Oxnard College = deadline is Friday, May 30, 2025 @ 11:59pm -
Entering Students - for students currently in high school who will be completing their studies in Spring 2025 to then attend Oxnard College or new to college who will begin their college path in Fall 2025 = deadline is Friday, June 20, 2025 @ 11:59pm
Ventura County Foundation Scholarships
Scholarship applications available from November 8 to January 18. Apply here:
Fill out your monthly school of STEM checklist by clicking here or scanning the QR Code below.