12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

OC Student Worker Job Fair

In-Person: Performing Arts Building Conference Center

Oxnard College is hiring Student Workers for the 2024-25 academic year. Are you interested in working on campus for Fall 2024? Looking to gain experience for your resume while supporting a department or division at Oxnard College and connect with students?

Join us for our OC Student Worker Job Fair and apply to work on campus!

date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
time: 12pm - 2pm
location: PAB Conference Center
RSVP: complete this form to RSVP

The benefits of becoming a student worker include combining the location for your work and studies, building your network by connecting with Oxnard College community, and having a flexible schedule within a well paying position.

Connect with OC Career Center for our Cafecito con Career: Summer Editions. Our team will be assisting students with resume review, mock interview and soft skills support, activating your Handshake account, and more! Additional information on https://linktr.ee/occareercenter

green background with white grid lines framing left and right side of image. Black rounded corners box outlining cream colored rounded corners box. Text inside cream colored box states: OC Student Worker Job Fair. Positions for 2024-25 Academic Year. Oxnard College Condors logo with condor profile image located in upper left corner of image.
Oxnard College
OC Career Center