10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Zoom - please RSVP to receive Zoom link

Do you need to create a resume or revise an existing document? Employment opportunities, internship applications, and class assignments often require a resume. Creating a well-organized resume does not need to feel overwhelming -- we are here to help!

Join us for this 1-hr. informational session to learn the tips and tricks for creating a professional and effective resume. Our resource guides will help outline the do's and don'ts for resume details, and our templates will keep the formatting perfect!

The Resume Info Session will also provide an opportunity to ask questions and ensure your resume stands out. Students are also welcome to join us for our Resume Drop-In Assistance Workshops, listed on our Linktree.

blue background with image overlay. Image includes wood-type desk surface with an opened laptop computer on left side of image, angled towards front view. Two small green potted plants in upper right corner on desk, with reading glasses placed in front of plants. Paperwork placed in middle of image that reads: Resume. Pen placed between paperwork and laptop computer.
Oxnard College