3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Career Spirit Week - Resume Loteria

Join us on Tuesday, 04/18 from 3:30pm - 4pm in LLR-101 to play Resume Loteria! Learn about what is required information to include in your resume and win prizes.

This Career Spirit Week event will kick off our Resume Drop-In Assistance Workshop in LLR-101 from 4pm - 6pm. Students will receive individual assistance with their resume, whether they are creating a new document or updating an existing resume version.

Don't miss out on this great opportunity! The first 40 students who attend will receive an extra incentive.

blue background with waved texture design, creating ombre effect from blue to green in vertical design. Text reads: Resume Loteria with gift tag shape in white surrounding black font text.
Oxnard College
OC Career Center