11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Career Speaker Series: Accounting & Finance

In-Person: PAB Conference Center

The OC Career Center and Proyecto Éxito invite you to our next Career Speaker Series to learn more about the different career pathways within Accounting and Finance.

date: Thursday, October 5, 2023
time: 11:30am - 1pm
location: PAB Conference Center
RSVP: please RSVP as we are providing food/refreshments for students

The panelist discussion will highlight our CE faculty, OC staff and alum as they share their career pathways and experiences -- highlighting professions such as being a CPA, banker, Bursar, Grants Administration, Fiscal Services Specialist, IRS auditor, and more! 

image of finance statistics line graph in background, with blue and green filter. White text box in foreground with text stating: Career Speaker Series: Accounting & Finance. Thursday, October 5, 2023 11:30am - 1pm PAB Conference Center.
Oxnard College
OC Career Center