Career Day 2023
in-person: OC PAB Conference Center
Join us for this interactive in-person event and learn about different careers!
date: Thursday, October 26th
time: 12pm - 1:30pm
location: PAB Conference Center
RSVP: students can RSVP through link and also attend the day of the event
Food/refreshments will be available to students who attend and participate in the event
Career Day 2023 is a collaboration between OC Career Center, Proyecto Éxito, and our Career Education faculty to share and educate students on the professions and career pathways within our Career Education fields. Students can earn a certificate or degree in our 25 different Career Education programs and immediately start working in the industry of their choice. Whether students are pursuing a career in one of our Career Education programs or planning to transfer to a 4-yr. university and work while they attend college, this informative event is designed for everyone.
For more information on our Career Education Programs, please visit our Career Education website.