irs drt picture

How do I use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool?

You may use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool two weeks  after you and/or your parents have electronically filed taxes  or eight weeks  after you and/or your parents have filed taxes by mail .

Instructions for IRS Data Retrieval on your FAFSA

  1. Log into
  2. Click on “Make FAFSA Corrections.”
  3. Click on “Financial Information” tab.
  4. Correct “Will File” to “Already Completed.”
  5. If you are eligible to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, click Link to IRS and OK.
  6. On the IRS Web site ( enter the requested information and click Submit..
  7. Click on the box under the “Transfer My Tax Information into the FAFSA” and then click Transfer Now.
  8. You should receive the message “You have successfully transferred your 2021 tax information.”
  9. Complete all steps and electronically sign and Submit your FAFSA.
  10. Your FAFSA is successfully submitted once you have received a confirmation number. 

How can we help you?
If you need further assistance, FAFSA workshops are scheduled every Tuesday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. through the ZOOM meeting ID: 940 5249 8897.