Required Courses Units
CAOT R001 Keyboarding (Alpha and Numeric 1.5
CAOT R002 Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy 1.5
CAOT R004 Microsoft Outlook 1.5
CAOT R009 Office Procedures 3
CAOT R130 Microsoft Word 3
CAOT R123 Microsoft Excel 3
BUS R 104 Business English 3
Total 16.5
Complete One Additional course  
BUS R001 Prep for Accounting 3
CAOT R120 Intro to Business 3
CAOT R124 Microsoft Access 3
CAOT R129 Microsoft PowerPoint 3
Certificate of Achievement (COA) Total Units 19.5
Additional Units/requirements to complete the A.S. Degree  
Oxnard College General Education Pattern 29.0
Double Counted Units 0

Degree Applicable Electives

(Needed to reach the 60 units)

Total Units Required for the A. S. Degree 60