The College Planning Council (CPC) supports and advances the mission, vision and values of the college by providing guidance and recommendations to the college president on the development of institutional policies, planning, processes and all participatory governance matters. The CPC serves as a college-wide planning and communication forum by reviewing recommendations from all participatory governance committees. The CPC promotes collegial dialogue, and ensures inclusive and equitable participatory governance structures and operations.
Members are selected or appointed on an annual basis prior to the conclusion of the spring semester for the subsequent academic year.
Facilitator (Non-Voting Chairs)
College Vice President rotates annually between Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Development, Vice President of Business Services:
- 2023-2024 Facilitator: Chris Renbarger
Committee Members
- Academic Senate President/designee + two representatives
- Dolores Ortiz
- Ishita Edwards
- Lilia Ruvalcaba
- Classified Senate President/designee + two representatives
- Sergio Arana
- Marcos Rodriguez
- Amparo Medina
- Associated Student Government President/designee + one representative
- Christian Perez
- Lux Orozco
- Dean of Institutional Effectiveness: Andrew LaFave
- Management designee: Isaac Rodriguez Lupercio
- AFT Representative: Teresa Bonham
Area Experts
- Vice President of Academic Affairs: Luis Gonzalez
- Vice President of Student Development: Leah Alarcon
- Vice President of Business Services: Chris Renbarger
- SEIU representative: Maria Urenda
Berenice Rodriguez
Members have the following responsibilities:
- Convene the chairs of all the Participatory Governance (PG) committees during Fall Flex Week in order to facilitate collaboration among committees in accomplishing the college’s strategic goals and objectives.
- Convene the chairs of all PG committees prior to the conclusion of the spring semester to review the progress of all committees and coordinate the meeting schedules of all PG committees for the subsequent academic year.
- Review recommendations of PG committees and make final recommendation to the college president regarding the college’s organizational structures and functions, participatory governance structures, college planning, budgetary priorities, and resource allocations.
- Hear appeals from programs recommended for reduction or discontinuance resulting from the program review process.
- Hear improvement plan reports from under performing programs, as identified in the program review process. • Coordinates the revision of all college-wide plans, including the Educational Master Plan, Strategic Plan, Strategic Enrollment Plan, Technology Master Plan, and Facilities Master Plan.
- Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the college’s planning processes in promoting inclusivity, transparency, and equity.
- Serve as a forum for the college president and executive team to share their vision, goals and priorities for the future.
- Facilitate communication to college constituencies and seek input on college-wide plans, initiatives, procedures, and decision-making practices.
- Ensure that the participatory decision making process addresses college-wide issues in a timely manner.
The CPC meets at 2:30PM on the 4th Thursday of the month.