Award Winner

Fire Fighter I/II Academy Digital Binder
The Fire Fighter I/II Academy provides academic, behavioral, physical and manipulative skills that enable graduates to successfully compete for a firefighter position and to complete a department’s probationary requirements.

Fire Fighter I/II Academy Presentation Video
In response to the pandemic, the program’s leadership developed a strong sustainable and replicable higher education model called RECOVER (Revisions Encompassing COVID Operations, Valuing Emergency Responders.)
Be sure to catch Spectrum News 1 SoCal's coverage of the Oxnard College Fire Academy's ongoing work to keep California safe.

Dental Hygiene Program Digital Binder
The Dental Hygiene Program trains students to become Registered Dental Hygienists and provides students the opportunity to work on patients at the Oxnard College Dental Clinic.

Dental Hygiene Program Presentation Video
The program’s success stems from its Five P’s model, where its near-perfect Pass Rates and 100% Placement rates are attributed to Prerequisites, Performance and Planning.
Oxnard College’s Dental Hygiene and Fire Fighter I/II Academy programs Named 2021 Bellwether Award Finalists
The Bellwether College Consortium named Oxnard College’s Dental Hygiene and Fire Fighter I/II Academy programs as 2021 Bellwether Award finalists. The college is one of 30 nationwide eligible for the award, which is a highly competitive and nationally recognized award focusing on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs worthy of replication.
Oxnard College is the only college in California to have two programs selected as Top 10 finalists. The Dental Hygiene program was honored in the category of Instructional Programs and Services; the Fire Fighter Academy in the Workforce Development category.
Bellwether College Consortium
The Bellwether College Consortium is comprised of award-winning colleges charged with addressing critical issues facing community colleges through applicable research and the promotion and replication of best practices addressing workforce development, instructional programs and services, and planning governance and finance. The nationally recognized Bellwether Award focuses on cutting-edge, trendsetting programs worthy of replication. Annually, 30 community colleges are deemed finalists from a large group of applicants in the United States and its territories. The selected colleges compete for one of three Bellwether Awards. A rigorous selection process with two rounds of judging by peers and academicians in the field culminates with a day-long event of presentations by contenders for the Bellwether Award at the Community College Futures Assembly. The competition and selection bring a level of excellence that demonstrates the innovative spirit and results-driven mindset that exists among our finest community colleges. BCC is proudly sponsored by the Alamo Colleges District in San Antonio, Texas and celebrates its 27th Bellwether Award competition in January of 2021.